Brookshire Farm Family Includes You, Our Customers
posted on
June 12, 2018
When Brookshire Farm started direct marketing 100% Grass Fed 'n Pasture Finished Beef, back in 2005, our customers each came to the Farm once or twice a year to pick up their beef.
Most would take a farm tour to see the cattle and the pastures.
Now that we are in multiple farmers' markets and have opened our Online Store with an ever-expanding list of pickup points, we don't want to lose the close connection with our customers. Email or call (337) 893-5115 to schedule your visit.

We love sharing this Farm's legacy with you. That legacy to produce healthy food, improve soil health, respect animals, and grow the local economy goes back more than 220 years to Ben's great-great-great grandfathers, when the Harrington and Faulk branches were ranging cattle on the land the house stands on, today.
Your participation helps Brookshire Farm support the community. Most recently, we partnered with the Louisiana Grazing Lands Coalition to bring internationally recognized rancher, Ian Mitchell-Innes, to share his grazing expertise with Louisiana cattlemen and cattlewomen. In the near future, we are hosting a benefit concert to help the Vermilion Arts Council bring the Acadiana Symphony Orchestra to Vermilion Parish.
We look forward to seeing you at the Market or at the Farm, soon. Until then, we will continue to share family stories and farm history, since you are part of our Farm Family.